Diversity in a firm begins with the people the firm hires. To assist when we are working on business development initiatives, it is helpful if we have fundamental knowledge about special attributes of each of our employees. This level of knowledge helps us determine service excellence options and current market opportunities. Following a recent reissue of an in-house survey on staff diversification, we summarized languages spoken, read, and written. We are sure you will agree that the results below are impressive—42 languages, including English.
- Arabic
- Azerbaijani
- Bosanski
- Brazilian Portugese
- Bulgarian
- Chinese (Cantonese/Mandarin)
- Danish
- Dutch
- Farsi
- French (French/Canadian)
- German
- Gujarati
- Hebrew
- Hindi
- Hrvatski
- Irish
- Italian
- Japanese
- Kasmiri
- Kaszëbsczi
- Kiswahili
- Korean
- Konkani
- Macedonian
- Magyar
- Marathi
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Portugese
- Punjabi
- Romanian
- Russian
- Sinhalese
- Spanish
- Swiss (French/German)
- Tagalog
- Tamil
- Telugu
- Turkish
- Ukranian
- Urdu