Parkin Principal, Kyle Basilius, participated in a groundbreaking event alongside 75 individuals from 24 partner organizations at the United Nations Humanitarian Response Depot (UNHRD) in Brindisi, Italy. This event marked the installation and inaugural testing of the first prototype for a patient-centered designed Infectious Disease Treatment Module (IDTM), developed under the new INITIATE accelerator program led jointly by the World Food Programme (WFP) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The IDTM represents an innovative solution aimed at enhancing emergency response efforts during humanitarian and health crises. It is designed to deliver top-tier medical care swiftly and efficiently at the onset of infectious disease outbreaks, featuring a rapidly deployable, portable, scalable, self-contained structure that can operate independently or seamlessly integrate into existing healthcare systems. The rigorous drill exercise included the testing of the prototype across three logistics scenarios and thirteen medical scenarios, evaluating its efficacy against predetermined design principles.
To delve deeper into the development stages of this groundbreaking solution, watch the preceding phases here:
INITIATE – Delivered and tested the prototype of an infectious disease treatment module