Parkin scheduled a workshop for staff via teleconference with Dr. Heather Drummond, mental health and well-being counsellor. The one hour session related to Mindfulness Stress Reduction to help our staff cope with self and social isolation during COVID-19.
Dr. Drummond took the staff through a mind-soothing session that included: opening meditation, mindfulness meditation, different types breathing, neurobiological benefits of Mindfulness meditation, various types of meditation, including Gatha, guided imagery meditation, helpful metaphors for understanding the purpose of Mindfulness meditation, and thought patterns and stress management.
Online surveys were conducted before, during and after the session to collect feedback on “working from home”, “stress levels”, and “the Mindfulness workshop”.
An overwhelming response from staff indicated that another session would be helpful. The following quotes sum up some of the shared feedback, “…it was nice to be able to see people―and to know that Parkin cares about their employees to do this. According to many people talk to, other offices are pretending the current situation is not stressful and doesn’t have an effect on mental health.”
To read more on mindfulness and Dr. Drummond, visit:
For quick look at Parkin’s introductory online Mindfulness workshop, click on the pdf: