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Art of Leadership Conference for Women – Inspiration

The Art of Leadership Conference brings the most prominent leaders, speakers, and bestselling authors to each conference to keep business-minded professionals current with an exciting blend of innovative thinking and real-world experience.

Parkin Associate and Interior Designer, Erinn Haley-Stevenson, attended the June 17th, 2022, Art of Leadership Conference for Women in Toronto.  “I was inspired by the five speakers; it was a day for acknowledgement of just how strong we have been over the last 2 years and how holding space for yourself is so vital to your own resilience,” Erinn noted.  “I learned a lot of important insights to help and inspire me as a leader in my profession. The guest speakers, including Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe, Dr. Hadiya Roderique, Clara Hughes, Arlene Dickinson, The Hon. Jody Wilson-Raybould, were inspirational. Here are some highlights of what I have learned.”

  • When we are working on important but not urgency things, we make better choices
  • Too many priorities and too many urgent (hair of fire) things can cause burnout
  • As a leader you can help by fostering community, connect and then correct, have the courage to intervene
  • What you are not changing you are choosing
  • Go from being an ally to an accomplice – be part of it, not just cheering from the sidelines
  • Allow for recovery: working at a high or elite level all the time is not stainable
  • Mental health is like an injury: it needs to be treated, repaired. You would not tell someone with diabetes to not seek treatment, so why is mental health any different?
  • Really listening is important
  • Fixing the outside does not fix the inside
  • Be authentic
  • Doing invisible work is still important work

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